Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup: Managing Hiring + Talent

In this week's Talent and HR News Weekly Roundup, we're featuring insight into managing hiring and talent. Enjoy!

1) What to Look for When Hiring Your Startup Team from Inc.com

“There's a multitude of ideas to consider when building your team, and far more information than can be discussed in a single article. But if you keep these five basic suggestions in mind, you should be able to create the world-class team you had always dreamed of, and on a budget you can afford in your startup's early days.”

2) Why Your Managers and Firm Gets Hiring Wrong and What to Do About It from About.com

“The hiring process is abysmal in a good number of the firms I encounter in my work as a consultant and coach. Everyone nods their heads affirmatively when they talk about the need to get the right people in the right seats. And then they proceed to contradict themselves by executing a series of what can only be described as bone-headed processes that would stress the patience of a statue. Here are five things that managers and firms get wrong in the hiring process and what to do about it.”

3) 4 Smart Moves for Winning the Competition for Top Talent from Entrepreneur

“What do you think the odds are that candidates applying to jobs at your company are satisfied with their experience? The answer to this is probably pretty bleak, as recent studies suggest that upwards of 69 percent of candidates have negative hiring experiences. As the fight for talent continues to get more and more competitive, entrepreneurs and hiring managers should consider taking a very critical look at their interview processes, not only to increase their chances of attracting the right employees, but also to further their employer brand.”

4) Improving Company Culture Through Feedback and Follow-Through from Inc.com

“An organizational culture comes about in one of two ways. It is decisively created and nurtured from the very beginning with a specific vision in mind. Or, more typically, it comes about a bit haphazardly through the experiences, beliefs and behaviors of those on the team. Everyone wants to work for a team that has a great culture, whatever that culture may be. When growing a business we have a tendency to keep our head in the weeds until we reach a critical point and realize that culture and values are critical to scalability and profitability. Not just soft side strategies that don't contribute to growth. So how do we accomplish this?”

5) 10 signs you are avoiding difficult performance conversations from SmartBrief

“In almost every consulting project or leadership development program I have worked on, I see a common thread that contributes to time-wasting drama: The inability or unwillingness of the manager to have a difficult performance conversation. I’m not talking about the yearly performance evaluation, (which could be argued does more harm than good). I’m talking about the ongoing conversations that should be happening weekly to help the employee course-correct before a bigger problem emerges costing the company in turnover, lawsuits, or rework. Tell yourself the truth and recognize the signs that you are avoiding difficult performance conversations.”

Kathleen O'Brien (@kathleen_eliz) is a Lead Consultant & Project Manager for exaqueo, a workforce consultancy that helps organizations build their cultures, employer brands and talent strategies. Contact exaqueo to learn more about our employer brand innovation, workforce research, and recruiting strategy offerings.

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